keskiviikko 1. marraskuuta 2023

Eri paikkakuntien tuotteet

 Savonlinnassa asuessani opin mm, että savonlinnalaiset kutomispuikot ovat savonlinnalausen tyyliset, jotenkin igan mukavat käsitöihin, mutta helsinkiläiset puikkoni, vaikka ensi alkuun näyttivät ihan samoilta, olivat ikävän terävät yms kutomista häiritsevää. Vastaavasti langat olivat myös paikkakjnnan ilmaston ja kulttuurin mukaiset. Se kai pätee tuotteisiin laajemminkin, mm ruokaan, vaatteisiin ja huonekaluihin. Tietyllä paikkakunnalla oletetaan asiat tehtävän ja elämä elettävän, yhteiskunnan sujuvuudesta huolwhdittavan tietyllä tavalla, jota määrää suuresti se, mihinammattialoihin seutu on erityisen paljon suuntautunut, ja mitkä ovat sen päävetovoimatekijät ym vahvat piirteet, esim onko meren rannalla tai lähellä valtakunnan rajaa, tietyn srudun duuri keskys vai syrjemmällä maalaispaikkakunta. Joka tapauksessa elämänmenl ja seudun tuotteet olettavat, että pääammattialojen perustaidot ym niiden perusvaatimukset, esim arvot, rauha tietyille asioille, niiden viehätyksen tunnistaminen ja mieluusti sen suurezti arvostaminen, ja noihkn ammatteihkn soveltuvuuden vaaliminen myös muiden osalta, ovat kaikkuen koko ajan itsenäisesti kulttuurin mukaan huolehdittavia asipita, joiden varassa elämä seudulla pyörii. Jos siis ostat mummolamaiselta paikkakjnnalta tuotteen, joka olettaa, että kaikki on tehtävä kivasti ja että niin on tehtykin, niin jos käytät tuotetta akateemisella paikkakjnnalla, niin sinun on arvioitava kaikki itse uudelleen, eli mikä kelpaa y.päristössä ja mikä ei ja miten sellaiset asiat akateemisen sivistyksen mukaan huolehditaan. 

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30th of October 2023   When I lived in Savonlinna in eastern Finland, I liked very much the major attractions of the area, so I liked also what the shops sold and how the locals arranged many things, since the town was really arts oriented, around summer cottages, in tge town grandparents' homes, etc etc. So I for the first time understood the point of view which asks "What is the role here?" or the like and causes a huge lack of luck if you do not have any idea of such, which is typical for Finnish speaking Finnish culture. So the quedtion is something like "What is this place build for,meant for, for which sreas of lufe, for what kinds of things?", so if you are such a person, along those lines in your lufe as one of your major dreams in life, for example liking such a profession in the future, then I guess you are along those lines, your type of persons have a place, a "role", there, and so the shops, town's ways, values in the environment and the culture with it's skills, values and ways of living is lijely to fit together with your life, but otherwise maybe not. So it is not an acted role, not the role of some other place or culture and not a lie, it isn't like an official document, instead it just tells whether you are along the lines of lufe there, along the professions, along what the place is suited to, etc.

Some seem to tjink that if you keep company to your envitonment, you have a role, you are kind of quaranteed to behave always well, be good for the world and do better quality work & other influencing than those who do not keep company. But usually that is not so. People who need emotional support and get well along with each other, tend to keep company to each other, but that does not quarantee them being good, wise and responsible toward the rest of the world or toward the more indovidual and more skilled  often more moral ones. 

As far as I have understood, a role allowing living in Finland and influencing tvings would be having Finnish weather skills, following objective rationality with pictures of wholes and having healthy wisdom of life, and seeking to make the world a good place to live in for all fairly, now and in the future. It usually also means following civiliced wisdom with common sense and responsibly in important matters. Healthy spirit in things done, arrangements made, ways of doing chosen, etc is also considered important. In Finland Finnish speaking Finns are the traditional inhabitants, but Finnish speaking Finnish ways also suit the place, are according to wise views and wisdom of life and Finnish speaking Finnish cultures cultivates strenghts which flourish just in Finland and are good to have in the world, and Finnish speaking Finnish culture seeks to be fair and responsible toward all in the world. The Swedish speaking Finns copy their cultural ways from Sweden and are unfair toward Finnish speaking Finnish culture, so that is a different culture and must be estimated separately. 


From my blog from the recent post titled Moral. 

tiistai 12. syyskuuta 2023

Ease a huge hunger

 " If you would like to have more wisdom of life according to positive feelings in your country, please suggest my e-books (most of them cost 3usd +10% tax, no other fees) to libraries, maybe especially to the national library of your homecountry, preferable possible also for free or almost free international lending, and read them yourself too. 

My i.pression is that especially the e-books "Skills Of Christmas Gnomes" make one feel satisfied as if with a full stomach. The first e-book in the series has some 900 pages, maybe 40% of them about Christmas gnomes, maybe the last 30% about the four seasons, and the rest copies of the texts on the links from the original blog . The first e-book (3usd) at would be a good guess of what eases hunger. 



Q23.   I am not sure, but when I thought of what kind of food would suit when in autumn the last leaves are about to drop from the trees, I came to think of the following : big pieces of carrot baked in the oven, squeezed potatoes with some of their transparent liquid too and grilled chicken. Maybe a dessert?

Another food that comes to my mind is paella, but i have not eaten it so many times in my life, so maybe squeezed meat risotto instead, maybe with "piimä" and small pieces of fresh carrot or the like

If one wants fish in the late autumn, my guess would be : fried lax with big pieces of cooked potatoes fried witha little bit oil, and similarly vooked vegetables, among them beans, fried slightly with a little bit of oil or cooked in the oven, and small pieces of fresh carrot or the like.

If late autumn isn't a problem for you, you propably don't need special food for it. Just listen to which kind of foods you need and what you feel like eating and what keeps the mood good and gives enough energy. " 

h6.   If the Finnish climate is hard to bear and brings a huge feeling hunger (cannibalism?), one could try eating as still properly warm the following kind of meals: 

Lots of big pieces of cooked potatoes that have cooled and maybe been kept in refrigerator until the next day, pealed and cut to big pieces, and fried in oily pan so that the potato pieces are oily on surface. Anf 2 fried sausages of the ordinary Finnish type, i.e. one packet. Hapankaalia= sauerkraut?=sour cappage?, maybe thick slices of carrot baked in an oven, maybe beans and maybe squeezed potatoes. Drink maybe piimä. Some lingonberries.

At some other time, maybe later in the autumn, one could eat a warmed (almost to boiling everywhere or so) food called laatikko "box" kaupan laatikkoruuan, siis maksalaatikon (ei sovi syödä sitä usein), lihakaalilaatikon, lihamakaronilaatikon tai silakkalaatikon, tms, kenties lanttulaatikon, sillä lanttu opettaa loppusyksyn säätaitoja ja on tuhti vihannes. Upon it you coukd maybe drop lit of scratched cheese. If it aren't enough heavy food, you can add butter to it the amount that tastws good, and if that is only a little of butter, continue with food oil. Scratched sallad, lingonberries, full corn bread, butter, a slice of cheese, some dessert, maybe drink piimä plus water.

Or an chivken egg (max 2 per day, better less) friend in an oily pan, thin sausages fried on an oily pan, cooked potatoes, cooked big piece of kukkakaali and with it butter. A piece of bread with sulatejuustolevite, scratched sallad.

A hunger that comes from living kn a cold climate gets eased by moving to live in the tropics.

Cooked kukkakaali on a plate covered fully by thick light coloured mushroom sauce, in addition a pair of big pealed dust/flour like potatoes. 


Epäonnisuudesta ja onnekkuudesta

 " Tänään katsoin Ylen nettiuutisista videon, jossa talo Kaavilla oli lllut epäonninen tms. Sekä tuotteissa että asioiden hengessä on niin, että jokin tuote tai alue tms kerta kaikkiaan on vain tarkoitettu tieth tyyliseen käyttöön. Sitä ei boi kälkikäteen valita ja osa siitä on hengdllistä tai maailmanlaajuiseen suureen ktsyntään liittyvää nikn ettei samalle pakkalle voi rakentaa uutta toiselle tyylilajille, kulttuurille tms. Jollet hahmota oikein, mihin jokin on tarkoitettu, niin törmäät jatkuvaan epäonneen. En tiedä, mutta sain vaikutelman, että nämä adunnog oli tarkoitettu asumiseen, jossa tdnhona, vetovoimatekijänä on venäläisen kulttuurin läheisyys, vähän niin kuin Savonlinnassa asuessani asuntomainoksissa oli oopoerajuhluen ja järviluonnon viehätys sekä oopperajuhlakaupungin kesäkaupunkina. "

keskiviikko 25. tammikuuta 2023

Tonttuopiston mainos, engl.

  Advertisement of Christmas gnome institute 


6th of April 2024    You might be interested in reading the back cover texts of my books of the Christmas gnome/elf skills series, by clicking the headers at

On Wednesday 29 May 2024, Kaisa Hannele Tervola <> wrote:
My book series "Find / Create The Land Of Christmas" ought to be now available as ebooks (23 of 25), so almost the whole series costing a little bit under 30usd plus tax which I guess is 10% , see .
With best wishes, Kaisa Hannele Tervola, Espoo, southern Finland, North-East European Union 

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